Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The Setting

Our current campaign, Pathfinder Society: Faerun Division has an unusual setting that meshes a few things together. The general idea is this:

The base is the D&D 4th Edition version of the Forgotten Realms. If you're not familiar with it, don't worry, I've changed it pretty drastically.

100 years ago, an event occurred, called the "Spellplague." Magic, once controlled by the gods, when haywire and threw the world into chaos. Few today know the cause of this catastrophe, but it damaged the face of the world, shifted continents, destroyed cities, left pockets of the dangerous spellplague behind, and, on a larger scale, cause other planes to slowly merge with the planet of Toril. Most notably, parts of the world known as Golarion (where normal Pathfinder campaigns take place).

Immediately following the Spellplague, the gods themselves, normally a major fixture in the lives of those living on Toril, disappeared. This was called the "Godblight," and resulted in even more chaos.

In the century since these major events, the world has been picking the pieces up and putting things back together, as best as possible. Travel is finally beginning occur again. Communication with the new continent of Golarion has begun its first tentative steps, and thus the Pathfinder Society has officially come to Faerun.
The current map of rumors for the continent of Faerun. Don't mind the typos, it was possibly compiled by goblins.

The Pathfinder Society brings adventurers together under one united name, where they can share information and take on jobs. The Faerun divison is run by a woman named Seoni, who has taken on our current group of adventurers to be part of the "Artifact Acquisition" division of the Society -- magic doesn't work quite the same as it once did, and the creation of magical items has stopped altogether. It is only in relics of the past that hold the power once considered common by natives of Toril, and the Pathfinder Society considers it a major goal to assist in the recovery of these items, whenever possible.

That's the general, vague overview. As Game Master, I'm attempting to create a living world -- the other locations of the world aren't on pause, waiting for the party, which has named itself "Novus Ordo," to arrive. While they're currently off hunting for artifacts in the unknown, settlements are beginning and ending, the tides of war flow ever onward, and events that may never impact the players are occurring.

It's up to the Novus Ordo Company to uncover these happenings on their own, all the while attempting to determine just how twisted and changed the planet of Toril really is.

If you've got any specific questions, feel free to ask in the comments below!

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